CrystalNutri at the Mind Body Spirit festival, 17–19 November 2023, Birmingham, UK
The CrystalNutri team, otherwise known as Mariann, were busy again last weekend hosting a stand at the Mind Body Spirit (MBS) show in Birmingham, UK. The MBS festival will always be special for us, as the London event earlier in the year was effectively CrystalNutri’s UK launch – our first opportunity to hear what members of the public thought of our products. We were delighted with the positive response so we thought we’d do it all over again, this time in Birmingham! Read on to find out how it went.

A perfect partnership
The Mind Body Spirit organisers have been running events since 1977, and have made the MBS festivals one of the most important of their type in the yearly calendar. With a diverse cast of attendees and exhibitors, all eager to find new paths toward self-development and optimum health, MBS events are a perfect partner for CrystalNutri. After all, what better way to support your mind, body and spirit than with delicious, super-concentrated fruits & vegetables in a crystalline form?
The great Birmingham public appeared to agree, as Mariann’s Herculean efforts were rewarded by a very busy stand for the whole 3 days. Visitors queued patiently to try the wide range of CrystalNutri products on offer and were sufficiently intrigued to ask plenty of intelligent and searching questions, in between tastings of course.

Thank you for all your feedback about our products:
“This is very intense…you can taste the berries!” Aurum
“Yummy, I love it!” ImmunExtra Kids
“I love it, it tastes pleasant and it’s easy to take.” RootSynergy
“Which one shall I choose? I like all of them!”
“I already feel the energising effect!” Many customers have reported this after tasting one or two crystals and spending about 10 minutes at our stand.
A successful show
Apart from a few technical issues, MBS Birmingham was a highly successful show for CrystalNutri, at least partly due to the ‘3 for 2’ offer that was available on all products for the duration of the meeting. So thank you Birmingham! Word appears to be spreading about the quality and originality of our products, which is extremely gratifying and exciting for us.

Coming up soon
And that was that! Another show over, another city introduced to the delights of CrystalNutri products and another member of staff needing a week off to recover. Our next show will be Mind Body Spirit Festival, London, 24-27 May 2024. We’d love to see you there!