The OM Yoga Show describes itself as “The biggest yoga gathering in Europe, and one of the largest events of its kind in the world.”
Over the past 20 years, the organisers have built the event into a ‘must-attend’ for anyone interested in the ancient Indian practice of yoga: from the callow newbie for whom ‘ashtanga’ and ‘hatha’ are exotic new terms, to the practised yogi teaching mind-body-spirit connectedness, the OM Yoga show has something for everyone. And since yoga is all about the mind-body-spirit connection, the OM Yoga show boasts “a fantastic range of yoga accessories, clothing, jewellery, super food, retreats and much more.” Super food, you say? Super food like, for example, super-concentrated fruit and vegetable crystals with no artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or even a capsule? That sounds like a show that CrystalNutri should be involved in!

The 2023 OM Yoga Show was held at Alexandra Palace in London, UK. This was only the second show that CrystalNutri has attended in the country, so it was an important opportunity for us to make connections, spread the word about our amazing products and – most importantly of all – to meet the public. After all, we can write thousands of words about how great our crystals are, make hundreds of videos about our 100% additive-free Aurum, and it all means nothing unless real people taste our products…and tell us face-to-face what they think about them. It’s all about you, people!
Thank you to everyone who visited the CrystalNutri stand at the OM Yoga Show at Alexandra Palace, London over the weekend!

These lovely ladies made the very wise decision to go home from the OM Yoga Show with some of our Collagen Bloom crystals. Thank you and enjoy!

As well as making lots of new friends, it was great to see some familiar faces at our OM Yoga Show stand over the weekend as well.

This happy OM Yoga Show customer chose our delicious Root Synergy, a nourishing blend of beetroot and carrot crystals. Many thanks for trusting our products!

It’s always wonderful to meet and speak to younger customers at events like the OM Yoga Show about the benefits of CrystalNutri products – especially when they ask such intelligent questions! Enjoy your products, gents!

The CrystalNutri range makes the perfect Christmas gift for the health-conscious people in your life, as this lovely mother & son found out when they visited our stand at the OM Yoga Show in London over the weekend. Thank you very much!

Our next show was the Mind Body Spirit show in Birmingham, UK, and we’ll be uploading a summary of that show in the next few days. CrystalNutri has big plans for 2024 that include numerous exhibitions, and we’ll have plenty of news on that in the days and weeks to come. These are exciting times for CrystalNutri – will you join us for the ride?